„Sie kam und blieb“ (She Came to Stay) is a feminist group in Bern (Switzerland) consisting of five women, that creates further space – by reflecting, celebrating and blogging: space in which clichés can be questioned, social barriers can be broken as well as feminist and queer lifestyles can be lived, in readings, parties, movie nights and lectures. Since August 2010 we're blogging about politics, culture, feminism, queer and left-wing lives and politics.
We also organize non-commercial activities that will be remembered. We would like to share and discuss ideas and knowledge through feminist and queer activities which might irritate and raise questions but still stimulate, excite and whet your appetite.
„L’invitée“ (She Came to Stay) is also a novel by the French author Simone de Beauvoir published in 1943. With our name we refer to de Beauvoir as a feminist philosopher, author and activist. But the choice of our name is not just about de Beauvoir as a feminist icon and pioneer. The novel is also a literary review of unconventional lifestyles. It is a book that questions the established cultural and social norms and values – issues that are important to us and our guests at the Frauenraum.
If you want to know more, just...
... write to skub@gmx.ch (yes, we do speak English - altough we blog in German)
... read Simone de Beauvoir: She Came to Stay (L’invitée)
... become a virtual friend of “Sie kam und blieb” on Facebook
... come – for real – to the next events and get to know us
“Sie kam und blieb” is a spin-off group of the Frauenraum, a female-run, feminist event collective within the Reitschule Bern which is an autonomous cultural and political left-wing meeting centre.
The Frauenraum organizes cultural and left-wing socio-political events in the location at the Reitschule called Frauenraum (= women’s room / space). It uses this place – and space – as a platform and meeting-point for women (regardless of their social background, language, age, gender, sexual orientation their belief or special needs). Furthermore, the Frauenraum advocates the networking of organizations and groups that are active in the field of women’s, gender and lesbian rights and issues. The Frauenraum hosts about 70 events (concerts, readings, theatre and other per-formances) per year. Most activities are open for all genders, some of them are „women only“.
We're also on Facebook